Sunday, December 22, 2013


I read in The New York Times one day this past week that the Facebook game, Candy Crush Saga is played 900,000 times a day. I'm not surprised. Several of my friends got me hooked on it some weeks ago and I've been playing it ever since. Even though I've been stuck twice for more than ten days each time - and I'm stuck now on level 30, way below most of my fellow players - I keep playing, even though it's a silly game, a complete waste of time and highly addictive. There's really very little skill involved and I've played game after game without advancing to the next level. Of course, I can ask my friends for help, which I do, and they give it. Or I can buy extra moves to help me along, something I swear I'll never do. Candy Crush won't reveal how much income they derive from this silly, and highly addictive game but I'm sure it's a hefty sum.

I've also become addicted to Words with Friends, another Facebook game that's really scrabble. At least there's a little skill involved here, but when the game starts accepting words like "wot" and "Qi" and some other ridiculously long word I can't even remember, I became so incensed that I swore I'd never play that game again either. And, to make matters worse, after each move, a commercial comes on that one is forced to watch - if only for a second or two - that freezes the screen so you can't move on until the commercial has surgically planted its message in your brain.

And while I'm at it, I wonder why I am a member of Facebook at all. It may be just my particular friends, but the messages I see are by and large so mundane as to be exhausting. One of my friends in in an airport, another is at a restaurant, a third is complaining about his health, and there are any number of friends who promote their charity or their philosophy or pass on political appeals or stupid videos. What's it all about? It's about nothing. That's what it's about. Nothing!

I wonder who's on Words with Friends? Or if I can find a way to use my "x" on Scrabble.

Stay tuned.


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